基礎演習 I 論理学

京都大学文学部の「基礎演習 I 論理学」(毎週火曜日16:30〜18:00)の授業Blogです。


  1. 日時:2009年11月27日(金)午後4時〜6時
  2. 場所:京都大学本部構内文学部校舎第二講義室
  3. 講演者:Libor Behounek & Petr Cintula (チェコ科学アカデミー)
  4. タイトル: Formal fuzzy logic
  5. 要旨:

In the talk, we shall introduce formal fuzzy logic in its modern form as has been developed since the middle of the 1990's, discuss its motivation and applications, and present the most important metamathematical properties of fuzzy logics. We shall mainly focus on the following topics: the relation of formal fuzzy logic to the sorites paradox and the degree-theoretical approach in the philosophy of vagueness; motivation of formal fuzzy logics as the logics of vague or gradual properties; the applicability of formal fuzzy logic and its difference from engineering fuzzy methods; connections to other families of logics (esp. substructural); natural requirements on formal systems of fuzzy logic; mathematical properties of the deductive calculi and formal semantics of fuzzy logics; construction of on-classical mathematical theories over first-order fuzzy logics; and the significance of the field of research.


  • Part I (Libor Behounek): Motivations and applications (pdf)
  • Part II (P. Cintula): Mathematical properties (pdf)